Servite Roman Catholic Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum teaches our children that possibilities are endless and that there are no limits to what their ambitions may be. Our broad and balanced curriculum promotes curiosity and a love and thirst for learning. It is ambitious and empowers our children to become independent and resilient. We strive for academic excellence and want our children to have high aspirations for themselves. The bespoke design of our curriculum ensures that an effective balance of broad learning opportunities are available for the holistic development of our children. 

Together as a community we are guided by our faith and we encourage our children to live and act according to Gospel values.  Our children come to school filled with joy as each new day begins with possibilities. Our children feel safe. They take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings and grow.

We encourage our children to celebrate success and build on disappointment in order to develop resilience. We want to equip them with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

To find out more information about how our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, please visit our accessibility plan.

For a detailed overview of our curriculum, please visit our Curriculum Site by clicking on the image below.